• Medication Policy

    The following guidelines identify procedures and practices regarding the administration of student medications during the school day.  It is recommended that parents review the complete health and medication policies available in each school office. Questions should be directed to the school nurse or principal.
    1. Every effort should be made to give all doses of medication at home.  Normally, medication to be given three times per day can be given at home (e.g., before school, after school, at bedtime).  If a medication must be administered four or more times per day, one or more doses will likely need to be taken during the school day.
    2. Only medications prescribed by a physician for a particular child will be given during school hours.  Written instructions from the physician are required.  Any change in dosage or medication must be accompanied by a physician’s note.
    3. All medications must be clearly marked with a prescription label bearing the child’s name, type of medication, dosage, and time to be given.
    4. For the safety of all students, children may not carry medication to school.  Parents must bring the medication to the Health Office.  Enough medication should be left at school for the duration of the prescription.  Children may not transport medication back and forth to school each day.
    5. Over-the-counter medications: Per Standing Orders from the school physician, school nurses may administer Tylenol/Acetaminophen, Motrin/Ibuprofen, Tums, and Cepacol lozenges as needed for student illness.  Parent permission for use of these is obtained on the annual "Student Information Form."  All other over-the-counter medications will not be administered in school unless accompanied by a physician’s note specifying the medication, dosage, and timing of the medication.  Children will not be permitted to take medication on their own during school hours.
    6. One exception to the above protocol involves the use of asthma inhalers.  An asthma inhaler may be carried by a student during the school day if deemed necessary by the child’s parent and doctor.  A Parent/Doctor Authorization Form to Carry Own Medication should be completed.  In addition to other information, this form includes verification of the student’s knowledge and competency to self-medicate.  The form also includes a statement relieving the school and its employees of any responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the medication or for ensuring that the medicine is taken.  It should be noted that the prescribed inhaler is for the intended individual’s use only and must not be shared with others.  Violation of this policy shall result in immediate confiscation of the inhaler and loss of the privilege to self-medicate.
    7. When the school nurse is in the building, the school nurse will administer medication. Any parent who wishes to come to school to administer medication to their own child may do so.  Parents must check in at the Main Office upon arrival.
    8. Teachers are instructed to not permit children to take medication on their own at school.  Please do not place your child in a potentially embarrassing situation by sending him or her to school with medication.
    9. Unused medications will be disposed of at the end of the school year or when the duration of the medication ends. If a parent wishes to keep any unused medication, the parent must come to school to pick it up.  Unused medication will not be returned directly to students.