- Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
- Board Meeting Highlights Summary
2022-2023 School Year
June 26th, 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: June 26th, 2023
PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Ms. Elias, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Cellini, Mr. Berman, Ms. Cotton
Meeting Start Time: 7:02 pm
Recognition of School District Retiree: Paul Tagliaterra, 52 Years of Service Teacher, Dean, Athletic Director/Coordinator, Strath Haven Middle School
Dr. Marseille shared his superintendent’s report, which can be found here.
The board of school directors approved the minutes of the May 24th, 2023 regular meeting.
Committee Reports for the Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council were shared.
Committees are currently being streamed as a result of community feedback. Dr Marseille encouraged parents/guardians, community members and staff to tune in so they can access the committee meetings.Visit the WSSD YouTube Page to view.
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
Ratified and approved the following resignations and retirement: Peter Klabunde, Director of Operations, Operations Department, resignation effective at the end of the day 06/30/2023. Amanda Potter, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School, rescinded an appointment on 5/22/23, effective the 2023-2024 school year. Hadley Zinck, Special Education Teacher, Swarthmore Rutledge School resigned effective at the end of the day, June 22, 2023. Grace Citro, Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven High School, resigned effective at the end of the day, June 22, 2023. Jay Sylvester, Bus Driver, Transportation Department, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/16/2023. Andrea Seaner, Pre-School Aide, Strath Haven High School, resigned effective at the end of the day, 06/16/2023. John Bucci, Instructional Support, Nether Providence Elementary, resignation effective at the end of the day 6/16/23.
Ratified and approved the following appointments: Mariah Powell, Secondary School Counselor, Strath Haven Middle School, WSEA CBA, Master’s Step 4, $62,000.00, effective 08/22/2023. Roxann Gariffo, Certified School Nurse, Strath Haven Middle School, WSEA CBA, Bachelor’s Step 9, $70,000 effective 08/22/2023. Caitlin Emery, Elementary Reading Specialist, Nether Providence Elementary School, WSEA CBA, Master’s+30 Step 10, $76,000 effective 08/22/2023. Lisa Ferraro, Behavioral Health Counselor, Nether Providence Elementary, WSEA CBA, Master’s Step 3, $60,000.00 effective 08/22/2023. Diana Hurwitz, Administrative Assistant, Nether Providence Elementary, WSESPA 10 month CBA, Step 1, $18.53 per hour, 7.5 hours per day, 217 days per year effective August 7, 2023. Jacklyn Hepfer, Technology Support Specialist, Districtwide, WSESPA 12 month CBA, Step 2, $22.48 per hour, 7.5 hours per day, effective June 21, 2023. Stephanie Anderson, Payroll and Accounting Specialist, Districtwide, WSESPA, 12 month CBA, Step 1, $31.67 per hour, 7.5 hours per day effective July 17, 2023.
Ratified and approved the following leaves of absence: Beth Winkowski, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Extension of Leave of Absence effective April 29, 2023 through June 21, 2023. Regina Iannello, Art Teacher, Strath Haven High School Leave of Absence effective May 01,2023 through May 29, 2023. Partial leave of absence from May 30, 2023 to on or about June 9, 2023. Gregory Hilden, Principal, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective May 25, 2023 through on or about August 27, 2023. Jennifer Salvage, School Counselor, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective May 19, 2023 through June 23, 2023. Jennifer O’Brien, Special Education Teacher, Wallingford Elementary School; Leave of Absence effective on or about December 1, 2023 through June, 2024.
Ratified and approved the following changes of position: Katie Furtado, .67 Spanish Teacher at Strath Haven Middle School and .33 ELD at Strath Haven High School to English Language Development Teacher at Strath Haven Middle School, No Salary Change, effective 2023-2024 school year. Michaela DelSordo, Language Arts Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School to Secondary Literacy Specialist, Strath Haven Middle School, No Salary Change effective 2023-2024 school year. Emily Sparks, 5th Grade Teacher, Swarthmore Rutledge School to Elementary Math Specialist, Swarthmore Rutledge School, No Salary change, effective, 2023-2024 school year. Jessica Getty, First Grade Teacher, Nether Providence Elementary to Reading Specialist, Wallingford Elementary School, No salary change, effective 2023-2024 school year. Roosevelt Edwards, Substitute Custodian, District to Custodian, Strath Haven Middle School, WSESPA CBA, Step 3, $18.23 per hour, 8 hours per day, 12-month employee, effective July 1, 2023. DeJuana Mosley, Assistant Business Administrator to Acting Business Administrator, $100/day (Monday through Friday workdays, excluding holidays) stipend for duration of assignment as determined by the Board, effective July 3, 2023.
Ratified and approved the following direct payments: Marc deJong, Science Olympiad, Strath Haven Middle School Activities post season State Competition, $600.00. Jennifer Gilliespie, Science Olympiad, Strath Haven Middle School Activities Supplemental post season State Competition $600.00. Jeffrey Kahn, Speech and Debate Club, Strath Haven High School, Activities Supplemental post season National Competitions $1,680.00. Michael Casamento, Fitness Club Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th, Activity Advisor payment $900.00.
Ratified and approved the additions to the 2022-2023 conference requests
Ratified and approved the 2022-2023 Spring Athletic Supplemental post season pay
Ratified and approved the additions and changes to the 2023 summer school program appointment list
Ratified and approved the 2023-2025 renewal Agreement with Substitute Teacher Service
Ratified and approved the 37 WSSD teachers to attend 30-hours of Schoology Scholar training, at the rate of $45.00 per hour, during the summer of 2023.
Ratified and approved the 2022-2023 summer hours at $45.00 per hour
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under policy:
Ratified and approved policies for a Second Reading
Policy 260 – Student Surveys
Policy 916 – Volunteers
Policy 919 – Civility
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under the curriculum:
Ratified and approved purchase of Libib, as stipulated, for use by middle and high school English/Language Arts teachers to organize and to catalog classroom libraries used for independent reading"
Ratified and approved the Resolution for the 2024-2025 school year calendar, as stipulated
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions for student service:
Ratified and approved Educational Services Agreement for students #2627022, #3223075, #3021044, #3027117, #2623057
Ratified and approved the following student for approval for homebound instruction: Student #2927085.
Ratified and approved Related Services & Tuition Contracts
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
Ratified and approved payments to vendors, from MAY 13, 2023 through JUNE 16, 2023
Ratified and approved receipt of the financial statements from May 2023
Ratified and approved 2023-2024 Final General Fund Operating Budget in the amount of $95,687,124 , funded by the following taxes
Ratified and approved the Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Resolution as stipulated
Ratified and approved renewal of District insurance through AJ Gallagher as stipulated.
Ratified and approved the following banks as depositories of school funds during the 2023-2024 fiscal year
BanCorp Bank
Fulton Bank
M&T Bank
Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund
Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust
TD Bank
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Wells Fargo
Ratified and approved the transfer of $4,746.50 from the SHHS Class of 2019 account to the SHHS Class of 2026 account, and inactivate the SHHS Class of 2019 account.
Ratified and approved the 5-year lease on a new digital postage machine in the amount of $23,576.40.
Ratified and approved a contract with General Recreation, a CoStars vendor, for stadium seating to procure portable bleachers for use in King Stadium for the amount of $188,770.00.
Ratified and approved the 3 year service agreement with VOIP Networks for district-wide internal phone hardware/software maintenance and support.
Ratified and approved the contract with LinkIt, subject to final solicitor review and approval for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Ratified and approved the sale of equipment that is no longer supported by the manufacturer to Tech Defenders.
Ratified and approved the motion to appoint Fox Rothschild LLP as Solicitor for the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District for the time period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, A retainer of $24,402.00 per year
Ratified and approved a contract with William MacLaughlin to provide the services of Interim Director of Operations
Ratified and approved a contract with Tom Josiah Consulting, LLC for services related to preparing District accounts and reports for audit and other similar services as requested by the Business Office, all as more fully described in the contract, at a rate of $130/hr. The term of the contract will commence upon approval and execution by both parties and will terminate no later than January 31, 2024.
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Other:
Ratified and approved the WSSD Director of Human Resources as the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District Management Trustee for the Delaware County Public Schools Healthcare Trust, effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.
Ratified and approved the 2023 Legislative Platform items 4.5(b) (relating to the restriction of a school district’s transportation obligations unless such obligations are fully funded) and 4.5(h) (related to removing the obligation to transport students to non-public schools) continue and remain a platform position in the 2024 Legislative Platform.
Public Comments
Serratore, Dave - Morris Lane: Encouraged the Board to vote against the approval of the budget because his calculations from year to date expenditures do not reflect the correct numbers. He is concerned about budget accuracy and that the District has not been reaching the budget numbers for years. There is still money remaining.
Serratore, Dave - Morris Lane: Disappointed in the budget vote. Concerned that the numbers do not add up and the tax increase is going to sway people to move out of the District. Made comments about facilities that have changed over the last 10 years and maintenance of sections that have not been addressed. Also mentioned about money going back into reserves.
The meeting ended at 8:40 pm.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library
May 22nd, 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: May 22nd, 2023
PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Mr. Klabunde, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Cellini, Mr. Benzing, Mr. Berman, Ms. Sudarsan, Ms. Cotton
Meeting Start Time: 7:01 pm
Ms. Sudarsan- Student representative shared about her final days at Strath Haven High School and how she is looking forward to graduation and transitioning into college. She also talked about transitioning into the next phases of school for elementary and middle school students. She encouraged the possibility of interaction at the end of the year across the schools to come together. Ms. Sudarsan mentioned an idea of not just having specific summer reading per each grade level but a school-wide book that could promote awareness and inclusion for all students.
Dr. Marseille shared his superintendent’s report which can be found here.
The board of school directors approved the minutes of the April 27th, 2023 regular meeting.
Committee Reports for Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council were shared.
Committees are currently being streamed as a result of community feedback. Dr Marseille encouraged parents/guardians, community members and staff to tune in so they can access the committee meetings.Visit the WSSD YouTube Page to view.
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
Ratified and approved the following resignations and retirement: Samantha Young resignation effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023. Birgit Laurent, resignation effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023.Julia Sandler, resignation effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023.Elizabeth Corson, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023. Brianna McGrody, resignation effective at the end of the day 07/11/2023.
Ratified and approved the following appointments: Rosemary Iannello, Health & Physical Education Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School, WSEA CBA, Bachelor’s Step 1, $54,000.00 effective 2023-2024 school year. Amanda Potter, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School, WSEA CBA, Master’s Step 7, $68,000.00 , effective 2023-2024 school year. Carla Keyser, Secondary Math Specialist, Strath Haven Middle School, WSEA CBA, Master's + 30, Step 14, $88,000, effective 2023-2024 school year. Linda Johnson, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation Department, Teamsters CBA, $27.93 per hour, as needed, effective 5/01/2023.
Ratified and approved the following leaves of absence: Christine DeShields, Instructional Support, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective April 27, 2023 through on/or about May 22, 2023. Christina Geraghty, Grade One Teacher, Nether Providence Elementary; Leave of Absence effective August 22, 2023 through on/or about January 1, 2024.
Ratified and approved the following changes of position:Patrick Clancy from Teacher on Special Assignment (Athletic Coordinator SHHS) to Social Studies Teacher, SHHS. Effective 2023-2024 school year. Salary no longer inclusive of Athletic Coordinator supplemental. No change to benefits. Emily Sparks from 5th grade Teacher at SRS to Elementary Math Specialist at SRS. Effective 2023-2024 school year. No change in benefits or salary.
Ratified and approved the following direct payments Lisa Sweeney, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Stipend for additional class coverage, $2,041.38.
Ratified and approved the additions to the 2022-2023 conference requests
Ratified and approved the 2023 summer school program appointment list
Ratified and approved the additional appointments to the 2022-2023 Activity Advisor Appointments
Ratified and approved all Behavioral Health Counselors for additional work days, at their per diem rate, not to exceed 8 days per person during the 2023 summer
Ratified and approved all school psychologists for additional work days, at their per diem rate, not to exceed 100 days total for the group, for the 2023 summer
Ratified and approved all School Counselors for additional work days, at their per diem rate, not to exceed 10 days per person during the 2023 summer
Ratified and approved all appropriately certificated professional staff for development of Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and Gifted Individual Education Plans (GIEPS), days as needed and approved by Director, at their per diem rate.
Ratified and approved the Guidance Instructor, Rebecca Schwam for development of Curriculum Writing at the rate of $45.00 per hour, not to exceed 55 hours total during the 2023 summer.
Ratified and approved the Home & School Visitor, Shaynae Young for additional work days, at their per diem rate, not to exceed 12 days total during the 2023 summer.
Ratified and approved all WSSD staff members to work on the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) curriculum at the rate of $45.00 per hour. Each Elementary and Middle School team is not to exceed 271 hours. The High School team is not to exceed 310 hours. PBIS Coaches are not to exceed 80 hours.
Ratified and approved District Nursing Staff for additional workdays, at their per diem rate, not to exceed 10 days per person during the 2023 summer
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under curriculum:
Ratified and approved policies for a Second Reading
Policy 200 – Enrollment of Students
Policy 201 – Admission of Students
Policy 202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students
Policy 206 - Attendance Areas and Assignment in District
Policy 211 - Student Accident Insurance
Policy 219 - Student Complaint Process
Policy 246 - Student Wellness
Policy 815 - Acceptable Use of Technology
Policy 823 - Naloxone
Ratified and approved the revised 2023-2024 school year calendar, as stipulated
Ratified and approved the 2024-2025 school year calendar, as stipulated
Ratified and approved the following Category 1 Overnight field trips for the 2023-2024 academic year, as stipulated
Ratified and approved the following Category 2 International and Exchange Field Trips for the 2023-2024 academic year, as stipulated
Ratified and approved the sale of the District’s below identified obsolete equipment through an auction hosted by Municibid.com, and further approves the disposal of those items that remain unsold following such auction
Ratified and approved the contract with Project Lead The Way subject to final solicitor review and approval for the 2023-2024 academic year
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student services:
Ratified and approved the Educational Services Agreement for student #2923059 & #2521052, 2423013
Ratified and approved the WSSD 2022-2023 Revised Health and Safety Plan
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
Ratified and approved the following payments to vendors, from APRIL 15, 2023 through MAY 12, 2023
Ratified and approved receipt of the financial statements, as stipulated
Ratified and approved the budget transfers through May 10, 2023 as stipulated
Ratified and approved the 2023-2024 Proposed Final General Fund Operating Budget of $95,687,123 with the following millage rates as listed:
Nether Providence Township/Rose Valley Borough: 29.0449
Rutledge Borough/Swarthmore Borough:29.3082
Ratified and approved a contract with Active Internet Technologies LLC, dba Finalsite in order to procure services related to website development and management. The term of the agreement will commence on July 1, 2023 at a rate of $18,600 per year.
Pursuant to Section 404 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949, as amended, the Board of School Directors must each year elect a Treasurer for a term beginning on July 1. The individual selected by the Board at this time will serve from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.
designates and appoints the District’s Business Administrator to serve in the capacity as Tax Collector for School District taxes levied and paid within the Borough of Swarthmore for the period of July 1, 2023 and continuing through June 30, 2024.”
Ratified and approved the Contract with US Employee Benefits Services Group to provide ACA Consulting and Reporting Services.
Ratified and approved the Contract with Titan Insurance and Employee Benefits Agency, LLC as our 3rd party COBRA administrator.
Ratified and approved a contract with A.F. Damon for Seal Coating and Line Striping of the parking lots and driveways at Swarthmore Rutledge School in the amount of $29,550.00.
Ratified and approved a contract with ABEL FENCE, a CoStars vendor, for fencing in the amount of $55,200.00. Background: ABEL FENCE is a local CoStars vendor for fencing that will replace the existing fencing and gates around the track in King Stadium.
Ratified and approved a contract with STADIUM SOLUTIONS, INC, a CoStars vendor for outdoor stadium seating in the amount of $74,743.00. Background: STADIUM SOLUTIONS, INC, is a local CoStars vendor for outdoor stadiums who will install ADA-compliant ramp and seating area for the home bleachers.
Ratified and approved a contract with STADIUM SOLUTIONS, INC, a CoStars vendor for outdoor stadium seating in the amount of $42,921.00. Background: STADIUM SOLUTIONS, INC, is a local CoStars vendor for outdoor stadiums who will install handrails in the middle of the aisles of the visitor’s bleachers.
Ratified and approved a contract with KC Sign & Awnings, a CoStars vendor for a Multi-Sport Digital Scoreboard in the amount of $153,280.00. Background: KC Sign & Awnings is a local CoStars vendor for sports scoreboards who will replace the existing scoreboard in King Stadium, which has ceased to work and is unrepairable.
Public Comments
Zhani, Jianfei - Putnam Blvd: Indicated about the large population of Asian-American community members and encouraged the idea of putting an in-service day on the Lunar New Year for 2025. There is a lack of representation in the calendar.
Sertz, Charmaine - Columbus Court: Values should be linked to practice. Delay the approval of the calendar to make it more diverse. There are mostly Christian holidays represented with in-service days and days off. A diverse calendar can help prepare students for a diverse and changing world.
Babcock, Regina - Putnam Blvd: Shared about being a parent and very involved in the Methodist church but would like to see more religions that are unseen. The holidays and events have always taken place and it is nothing new.. Would like to see more representation towards the calendars.
The meeting ended at 9:07 PM.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Monday, June 26, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library
April 24th 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: March 27, 2023
PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Wendy Voet, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Ms. Martin, Mr. Klabunde, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Cellini, Mr. Benzing, Ms. Elias, Mr. Berman, Ms. Sudarsan, Ms. Cotton
Meeting Start Time: 7:03 pm
- Ms. Sudarsan- Student representative shared information about AP exams taking place and celebratory activities before senior graduation takes place. The Spring Fling will take place on Saturday April 29th. The mock crash is a preventative initiative planned and presented by seniors that educates students on the importance of safe driving and the intended audience was the junior class.
- Dr. Marseille shared in his superintendent’s report,
- Dr. Savage - WES Principal, shared updates about the six types of working genius and being a family school.
- The board of school directors approved the minutes of the February 27th, 2023 regular meeting.
- Committee Reports for Educational Affairs, Facilities/Finance, Policy,Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council were shared. There were no reports about the Wellness Advisory Committee.
- Committees are currently being streamed as a result of community feedback. Dr Marseille encouraged parents/guardians, community members and staff to tune in so they can access the committee meetings.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following resignations and retirements: Susan McAndrews, Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven High School, resignation effective at the end of the day 04/28/2023. Beth Kennedy, Instructional Support, Swarthmore Rutledge School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/16/2023. Mary Magerr, Instructional Support, Swarthmore Rutledge School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/16/2023. Judith Taylor, Technology Support Specialist, Swarthmore-Rutledge and Nether Providence Elementary School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/30/2023. Edward Roth, Dispatcher, Transportation Department, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/30/2023. Joanne Fender, Instructional Support, Swarthmore Rutledge School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/16/2023.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following appointments as stipulated: Lynelle Mosley, Director of Athletics and Activities (6-12), Act 93 Agreement Compensation Plan, $120,000.00, effective 07/01/2023.Kimberly Stock, Assistant Principal, Strath Haven Middle School, Act 93 Compensation Plan, $120,000.00 (Prorated) effective 07/06/2023. DeJuana Mosley, Assistant Business Administrator, Business Office, Act 93 Compensation Plan, $125,000.00, effective 07/01/2023. Joseph Spano, Bus Aide, Transportation Department, Teamsters Bus Aide CBA, $14.80 per hour, 4.5 hours per day, effective 3/29/23.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following leaves of absence: Beth Winkowski, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective 03/20/2023 through on/or about 04/28/2023.Deborah Sweeney, School Nurse, Nether Providence Elementary; Leave of Absence effective 04/21/2023 through on/or about 05/05/2023. Patricia Brown, Administrative Assistant, Wallingford Swarthmore School; Leave of Absence effective 3/09/2023 through on/or about 4/16/2023. Kirsten Zubko, Financial Clerk-Accounts Payable, Business Office; Leave of Absence effective 04/27/23 through on/or about 5/30/2023. Sharon Artingstall, Administrative Assistant, Swarthmore Rutledge School; Intermittent Leave of Absence effective 03/06/2023 through on/or about 06/09/2023. Robert Dix, Bus Driver, Transportation Department; Leave of Absence effective 06/09/2023 through on/or about 09/01/2023.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following change of assignments, as stipulated: Michael Carter, Substitute Bus Driver to Bus Driver, Transportation Department, TEAMSTERS CBA, $27.93 per hour, 5.0 hours per day, effective 04/03/2023.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved payment of the following, as stipulated: Lisa Sweeney, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Stipend for class coverage, $1,555.80. Jamie Devlin, Math Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Stipend for class coverage, $3,390.78. Cheryl Atkinson, Math Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Stipend for class coverage, $2,953.26. Kathryn Hano, Math Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Stipend for class coverage, $2,109.30. Amber O’Brien, Math Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Stipend for class coverage, $1,881.32. Heather Young-Burns, Math Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Stipend for class coverage, $2,515.50. Chad Mitchell, Math Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Stipend for class coverage, $146.88.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the additions to the 2022-2023 conference requests.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the 2022-2023 Winter Athletic Supplemental post season pay.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following staff to work on the Curriculum Math Vertical Team at the rate of $45.00 per hour, not to exceed 5 total hours per staff member for the 2022-2023.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Temporary Staffing Services Agreement with People Share.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Temporary Personnel Staffing Services Agreement with Robert Half of Pennsylvania.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Temporary Staffing Services Agreement with Delaware County Intermediate Unit for Business Office Support.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under curriculum:
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved a Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with MCIU as the consortium administrator for Imagine Learning (formerly Edgenuity) in support of summer credit recovery opportunities for identified students
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the posting for four positions to provide in-person instruction and support to identified students participating in a summer credit recovery opportunity. WSSD educators will be compensated via a stipend, in the amount of $2550-$3050, dependent on role.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student services:
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Educational Services Agreement for student #2627041, #2627042 and 2827098
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved homebound instruction: Student #3321028, #3021054 and #3021041.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the K-12 Counseling Plan (Chapter 339)
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following payments to vendors, from March 18, 2023 through April 14, 2023
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved receipt of the financial statements, as stipulated
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Budget Transfers for TBD, as stipulated.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the contract for Effective School Solutions to provide services at Strath Haven High School for the 2023-2024 School Year.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved entering a Food Services contract with the identified vendor The Nutrition Group, a “Food Services Management Company,” for a one year term beginning on July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024, with the option for up to four one-year renewal terms as may be agreed between the District and the vendor. Compensation shall be as set by the contract previously provided to and approved by the Department of Education’s Division of Food and Nutrition.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved entering a Custodial Services Contract with [Metz Environmental Services], for a term beginning on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2026. The approved form of contract together with required terms and services are as contained in the relevant request for proposals, except as explicitly struck or supplemented by the vendor in the vendor’s response thereto. The amount due to the vendor shall be $1,061.236.13 for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, $1,094,929.62 for the period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 and 1,129,666.95 for the period July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Dell Financial Services Lease Proposal dated March 16, 2023 as stipulated. Final documents are subject to solicitor review.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved he Apple Financial Services Lease Proposal dated March 16, 2023 as stipulated. Final documents are subject to solicitor review.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the sale of equipment that is no longer supported by the manufacturer to Tech Defenders.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the removal of obsolete technology equipment from the district by EZ-PC, LLC
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Other:
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the WSSD Director of Human Resources as the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District Management Trustee for the Delaware County Public Schools Healthcare Trust, effective July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023.
- Board of School Directors ratified and approved the Delaware County Community College budget resolution, for the 2023‐2024 school year, as stipulated.
- No public comments
- The meeting ended at 8:47 PM.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Monday, April 24, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library
March 27th, 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: March 27, 2023
PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Wendy Voet, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Ms. Martin, Mr. Klabunde, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Cellini, Mr. Benzing, Ms. Elias, Mr. Berman, Ms. Sudarsan, Ms. Cotton
Meeting Start Time: 7:03 pm
Ms. Sudarsan- Student representative shared information regarding her classes, district events like Read Across America and tournaments. Coach Kahn was named District Coach of the Year and Herr Paul was named District Volunteer. She also shared that the students are frustrated with the limited amount of AP credit received from colleges for passing AP courses. They are hoping that the AP exam policy can be revisited and revised for next year’s senior class.
Dr. Marseille shared in his superintendent’s report,
Dr. Tuck - SRS Principal, shared updates regarding PBIS
The board of school directors approved the minutes of the February 27th, 2023 regular meeting.
Committee Reports for Educational Affairs, Facilities/Finance, Policy,Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council were shared. There were no reports about the Wellness Advisory Committee.
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
Ratified and approved the following resignations: Valerie Denton, Reading Specialist Teacher, Wallingford Elementary School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023. Susan Schmidt-Gillespie, School Nurse, Strath Haven Middle School, retirement effective at the end of the day 6/22/2023. Nancy O’Connor, Administrative Assistant 10 Month Secretary, Nether Providence Elementary, retired effective at the end of the day 06/02/2023. Leonard Magargee, Instructional Support, Strath Haven High School, resignation effective at the end of the day 3/10/23. Paul Barycki, Custodian, Operations Department, retirement effective at the end of the day 6/30/23. Matthew Risi, Bus Driver, Transportation Department, resignation effective at the end of the day 11/11/22.
Ratified and approved the following appointments: Joshua McNew, Short Term Substitute Spanish Teacher, Strath Haven High School, $190.00 per diem, effective 3/21/23 through on/or about May 24, 2023. Marisa Morelli, School Psychologist, Strath Haven Middle School, $105,000 (prorated), Master's Step 16, effective on or about May 30, 2023, pending submission of all hiring materials.Derek Gans, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation Department, TEAMSTERS CBA, $27.93 per hour as needed, effective TBD *. Morgan Wren, Safety & Security Aide, Strath Haven High School, WSESPA, 7.5 hours per day, 187 days per year, $19.00 per hour, effective 03/20/2023.
Ratified and approved the following leaves of absence: Elizabeth McGarry, Social Studies Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Leave of Absence effective on/or about 5/15/2023 through 6/22/2023. Nicole DeSantis, Special Education Teacher, Swarthmore Rutledge School; Leave of Absence effective on/or about 4/25/2023 through 6/22/2023. Sharon Montello, Bus Driver, Transportation Department: Leave of Absence effective 3/06/23 through on/or about 4/21/2023.
Approved the 2022-2023 Conference Requests
Approved correction to the Curriculum Supplementals during the 2022-2023 year
Approved additional appointments to the 2022-2023 Activities Supplementals
Approved the additional appointments to the 2022-2023 Spring Athletic Supplementals
Approve the additional appointments to the 2022-2023 Activity Advisor Appointments
Approve the 2022 Summer School Transportation hours
Approve the following changes of hours effective 3/4/2023
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under curriculum:
Approve the Category 1A Overnight field trip, as stipulated
Approve the revised 2022-2023 school year calendar, as stipulated
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student services:
Approve the Educational Services Agreement for student
Approve students for homebound instruction
The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
Approve the payments to vendors, from February 18 through March 19, 2023
Ratified the District to enter a contract after legal review with FieldTurf USA to replace the Synthetic Turf on King Field
Approve the Change Order for replacement of 203 lenses and install 134 lighting fixtures as part of the GESA project
Approve the purchase and installation of Campus Directory and Building Entrance Signage for the Strath Haven Middle and High Schools
Approve the Contract with For the Love of Black Girls LLC for Student Summit
Approve the Independent Contractor Agreement with Ben Hartranft for K-8 Student Assemblies
Ratify and approve the contracted JMW DJ services for the SHMS 8th Grade Dance, for the 2022-2023 school year
Approve Medical Staffing Solutions to provide Medical Staffing services for the SHHS Senior Prom, for the 2022-2023 school year
Approve contract renewal with Wisler Pearlstine LLP as Special Legal Counsel for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 fiscal years
Approve the Lease Agreement for Martha Burton Park
Approve the Delaware County Intermediate Unit General Operating Budget for the 2023-2024
school year
Approve the Delaware County Technical Schools budget resolution for the 2023-2024 school year
Approve the Delaware County Intermediate Unit Special Education Funding and Service Agreement for the 2023-2024 school year
Approve the Verizon FIOS Renewal, as stipulated
Approve an agreement with Barksdale School Portraits, LLC
Approval of the consulting agreement with Alexandra Ingram, MSW - Make The Distinction
No public comments
The meeting ended at 9:13 PM.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Monday, April 24, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library
February 27th, 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: February 27, 2023 PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Wendy Voet, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Ms. Martin, Mr. Klabunde, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Pratt, Dr. Cellini, Mr. Benzing, Ms. Elias, Mr. Berman, Ms. Sudarsan
Meeting Start Time: 7:03 pm
- Miss Sudarsan- Student representative shared information regarding the Black History Month Celebration, the annual Chris King Games, Silvertones singing valentine songs, Grease the Musical, Shrek the Musical, WES Math Night, NPE STEAM Night, SRS March 3rd International Night.
- Dr. Marseille shared in his superintendent’s report, the recent reports from PDE and #PA Needs Teachers detailing the teacher shortage crisis in PA, the PeopleBench focusing on teacher recruitment, retention, and workplace wellbeing; recognized student accomplishments;CTE Month; International Night; February 7th Commonwealth Ruling on school funding.
- Mr. Heinle-NPE Principal, shared updates regarding PBIS Tier II, Science of Reading K-2, Read Across America, STEAM Night, Inclusion and Belonging and 5th-grade student Eva Lee reenacted the life of Ella Fitzgerald as part of NPEs Living Wax Museum.
- Dr. Marseille presented recommendations that would allow the streaming of committee meetings beginning April 12th.
- The board of school directors approved the minutes of November 21, 2022, and the December 19, 2022, regular meeting.
- Committee Reports for Educational Affairs, Facilities/Finance, Wellness Advisory, and Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit were shared. There were no reports for Policy, Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
- Ratified and approved the following resignations: Mary Martin, Business Administrator, Office of Business Operations, resignation effective 3/3/23. Susan McAndrews, Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven High School, resignation effective at the end of the day 05/10/2023. Gabrielle Morrison, School Psychologist, Strath Haven Middle School, resignation effective at the end of the day 4/7/23. Kathy Salom, Instructional Support, Wallingford Elementary School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/16/2023. Carol Mark, Payroll and Accounting Specialist, Office of Business Operations, resignation effective at the end of the day 1/27/23. Liam Gallagher, Accounting Supervisor, Office of Business Operations, resignation effective at the end of the day 1/27/23. Jose Siri, Bus Driver, Transportation Department, resignation effective at the end of the day 2/17/2023.
- Ratified and approved the following appointments: Ken King as Interim Business Administrator effective 2/21/2023, at a rate of $120.00 per hour. Rachel Cotton, Communications & Community Relations Liaison, Office of the Superintendent, Exempt Supervisor Compensation Plan, $90,000 (prorated), effective 03/06/2023. David Kopp, Safety & Security Aide, Strath Haven High School, WSESPA, 7.5 hours per day, 187 days per year, $19.00 per hour, effective 2/27/23.
- Ratified and approved the following leaves of absence: Jodi McFetridge, Elementary Teacher, Nether Providence Elementary School; Leave of Absence effective 1/10/2023 through on or about 2/22/2023. Lea Kerwood, World Language Teacher, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective 3/22/23 through on/or about 5/24/2023. Wendy Laird, Social Studies Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Leave of Absence effective 2/23/23 through on/or about 3/16/23. Doris Ford, Administrative Assistant, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective 2/23/2023 through on/or about 3/17/2023. Qihui Xie (Susan Chen), Instructional Support, Strath Haven High School; Leave of Absence effective 1/23/23 through on/or about 2/19/2023.
- Ratified and approved the following change of assignments: Patricia Ward, Instructional Support to Long Term Substitute (.67)Family and Consumer Science Teacher and (.33) Building Substitute, Strath Haven High School, WSESPA 10 month CBA, effective 1/23/23 through the end of the 22-23 school year at $190.00 per diem. Deborah Seifrit, Administrative Assistant 10 months to Administrative Assistant 12 months, Strath Haven High School, WSESPA 12 month CBA, Step 7, $20.63 per hour, 7.5 hours per day, effective 2/28/2023.
- Approved the payment of unused sick days, curriculum supplementals, mentor appointments, conference requests, activities supplementals, athletic curriculum supplementals, and activities advisor appointments.
- Approved the compensation of staff members for the Strath Haven High School Saturday Detention Program, during the 2022-2023 school year, at the per diem rate of $100.00.
- Approve the appointment of the accompanist at Strath Haven High School, for the 2022-2023 school year, at the rate of $30.00 per hour, not to exceed a total of 324 hours.
- Approved the 2023 Summer Band and String Program.
- Approved curriculum hours for Jennifer McDonnell for professional development for the New Teacher Academy, at the rate of $45.00 per hour, not to exceed 10 total hours.
- Approved curriculum hours for Erica Frisoli and Helena Kim for professional development for English Language Learners, at the rate of $45.00 per hour, not to exceed 10 total hours.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student Policy:
- Approved the listed policies for Second Reading: Policy 205 – Postgraduate Students; Policy 330 – Overtime; Policy 338 – Sabbatical Leave; Policy 338.1 - Compensated Professional Leave; Policy 349 – Resignation.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student services:
- Ratified and approved the Educational Services Agreement for student #2923059.
- Approved homebound instruction for student #262104.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
- Ratified and approve the following payments to vendors.
- Acknowledged receipt of the financial statements and Treasure’s Report.
- Approved a contract with PowerSchool for the Schoology Platform at $49,339 and Annual costs.
- Authorized Fox Rothschild LLP to agree on the property located at 109 E. Brookhaven Road in Nether Providence Township, identified as Folio No. 34-00-00395-01, setting the assessment of the property at $500,000 for tax years 2021 (school tax year 2021-22), 2022 (school tax year 2022-23) and 2023 (school tax year 2023-24) and for each subsequent tax year until a change in the property’s assessment pursuant to applicable law.
- Authorized Fox Rothschild LLP to enter into an agreement for the property located at 800 Avondale Road in Nether Providence Township, identified as Folio No. 34-00-10082-09, setting the assessment of the property at $0 for tax years 2021 (school tax year 2021-22) and 2022 (school tax year 2022-23) and for each subsequent tax year until a change in the property’s assessment pursuant to applicable law.
- Approved contract with Holcomb Behavioral Health Systems for Student Assistance Program.
- Approved contract with Kings Mills Inc. for Prom Reservation for Class of 2025 Junior Prom, next year on April 13, 2024.
- Approve the proposal for the Assessment of the Business Office Operations and Ongoing Support and Transition at $9,500 for Assessment and Hourly Rate ($125) with the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit.
- Approved the contract with PeopleBench.
- Community member Paul Jacobs shared comments regarding streaming committee meetings.
- Community member Mr. Serratore shared comments regarding board agendas, community accessibility and public time lime period.
- Ms. Doubtweiller shared concerns with fields, the natatorium and need to make improvements.
- The meeting ended at PM 10:03 pm.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Monday, March 27, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library
January 23, 2023 Board Meeting
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
DATE: January 23, 2023 PLACE: SHMS – Library
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelly Wachtman, Kevin Henry, Dr. David Grande, Rachel Holbert, Lawrence Kutys, Christine Dollé, Wendy Voet, Nannette Whitsett
ADMINISTRATION/ OTHERS PRESENT: Dr. Wagner Marseille, Dr. Conley, Ms. Martin, Mr. Klabunde, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Sandberg, Dr. Mosakowski, Mr. Benzing, Mr. Cetroni, Ms. Elias, Mr. Berman, Ms. Sudarsan
- Miss Sudarsan- Student representative shared information regarding student perception on returning from winter break, Keystone Testing, Finals, MLK Day of Service, and the Shrek Musical.
- Dr. Marseille shared in his report acknowledgment of the Lunar Year, condolences to the community of Monterey Park shooting, the January 30 Policy Committee Meeting, Focus topic presentations, MLK Day of Service, School Board Recognition Month, Regional High School Art Exhibition at Delaware County Community College Shrek Musical, upcoming and important dates, NSTA Science Conference, Board Action Items, WSESPA Negotiations, Peachjar, Automated Student Voicemail and upcoming district/board dates
- Community member Carol Fancony shared her concerns about the WSSD fee schedule and commented on facilities usage software and its impact on the WSCC group
- Dr. Matsanka-MS Principal, shared highlights and examples of successful experiences that have taken place so far at the middle school. Dr. Matsanka highlighted the accomplishment of PBIS Tier I and II support and fundraising efforts that have raised over $100K since 2007. Student representatives shared community service projects in support of Kisses for Kyle. They shared successful fundraising efforts with Bowling Night and Volleyball night. They also shared their participation in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow-a competition, where students create STEM-based innovation to try to solve a real-world problem. They shared the App they created to help nursing home residents feel cared for and to lessen negative feelings and issues among the group. There was also a video highlighting the 8th-grade MLK services projects.
- Ms. Martin-Business Manager, provided a comparative analysis of the 2022/2023 to December 31, 2022 budget vs. year-to-date actuals. The current year revenues to date are comparable to 2021-2022 revenues. Ms. Martin also shared her recommendation for Fund Balance Transfers and Commitments totaling $1.5 million. Ms. Martin reviewed the 12/21/22 Finance Committee First Look of the 2023-2024 budget.
- Dr. Conley – Assistant Superintendent, provided an overview of Schoology, a learning management platform the District is exploring and will be presented at the next Educational Affairs Committee. Dr. Conley continued with an overview of the Strategic Plan process, timeline, and future opportunities for ongoing community input. Dr. Conley also shared how learning journey’s currently taking place will shape the experiences of our students and staff.
- The board of school directors approved the minutes of the November 21, 2022, and the December 19, 2022, regular meeting.
- Committee Reports for Educational Affairs, Facilities/Finance, Wellness Advisory, Delaware County Community College, Delaware County Intermediate Unit were shared. There were no reports for Policy, Pennsylvania School Board Association, and Delaware County School Board Legislative Council.
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Personnel:
- Resignations of Patricia Byrne, Health & Physical Education Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023. Wesley Rouse, Mathematics Teacher, Strath Haven High School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023.
- Joseph Buecheler, Assistant Principal, Strath Haven Middle School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/30/2023. Judith Maugeri, Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School, retirement effective at the end of the day 06/22/2023. Elisa Clark, Administrative Assistant 12 month, Strath Haven High School, retirement effective at the end of the day 01/31/2023. Anne Wood, Instructional Support, Wallingford Elementary, retirement effective at the end of the day 6/16/2022.
- Appointments of Susan Stein, Long Term Substitute Environmental Science Teacher, Strath Haven High School, WSEA CBA, Step 2, Doctorate-PhD, $59,500 (prorated), effective 1/25/2023 through 6/22/2023. Jenna Stec, Health & PE Teacher, Strath Haven High School, WSEA CBA, Step 5, Master’s +30, $64,500 (prorated), effective 3/27/2023. Christina Miller, Administrative Assistant – 12 month, Strath Haven High School, WSESPA CBA 12 Month Agreement, Step 2, 7.5 hours per day, $18.88 per hour, effective 01/24/2023. Penny Creighton, Instructional Support, Nether Providence Elementary, WSESPA CBA 10 Month Agreement, Step 4, 7.5 hours per day, $18.08 per hour, effective 01/24/2023. Michael Mayer, Substitute Bus Driver, Transportation Department, Teamsters CBA, $27.93 per hour as needed, effective 9/30/2022.
- Leave of Absence for Carol Connor, Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School; Leave of Absence starting 1/16/2023 through on or about 4/11/2023. Lisa Lashley, Non-Certificated Nurse, Districtwide; Leave of Absence starting 1/17/2023 through on or about 2/17/2023. Elaine Patel, Instructional Support, Nether Providence Elementary; Leave of Absence effective 1/03/2023 through on or about 3/31/2023. Yolanda Whittington, Instructional Support, Wallingford Elementary; Leave of Absence starting 1/19/2023 through on or about 3/07/2023.
- Changes of assignment for Lynda Strolli, Instructional Support to Special Education Teacher, Strath Haven Middle School, at $190.00 per diem, effective 01/16/2023 through on or about 4/16/2023.
- Direct payments, curriculum supplementals, conference requests, activities supplementals, Spring athletic curriculum supplementals post-season, activities advisor appointments
- School counselor additional summer work days for five counselors at the per diem rate during the 2022 summer
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under student services:
- Three Educational service agreements and one homebound instruction agreement
- The Board of School Directors ratified and approved the following motions under Finance:
- Bills paid to vendors 12/12/22-01/13/23, financial statements 12/22, treasures report 12/22, budget transfers,
- 2021-2022 Local Audit Report/Financial Statements
- 2023-2024 Opt-out resolution certifying the tax rate within the adjusted Act 1 Index for the 2023-2024 school year
- Approval of tax settlements for the properties located at 406 Hidden Valley Rd, Nether Providence, 915 Twyckenham Rd, Nether Providence, and 131 Waterville Rd, Nether Providence
- Fund balance transfers of funds from the District’s unreserved General Fund to the Capital Reserve in the amount of $1,500,000. These funds shall be used to support future capital projects. Resetting the following fund balance commitment levels as follows: • Retirement (PSERS) Cost Stabilization $1,000,000 • Self-Insurance Cost Stabilization $1,000,000 • Strategic Plan Initiatives $500,000
- Health Care consulting agreement with AJ Gallagher
- The purchase of a facilities management program with FMX in the amount of $10,544.00 (annually) for purchasing, developing and implementing a web-based software program that will assist the District in managing work requests, preventative maintenance, interactive mapping, room and field reservation management, scheduling, and billing.
- Contract with Stan-Roch Plumbing for replacing several Hot Water Heaters at SHHS, SHMS, SRS, and NPE in the amount of $175,700.00
- Contract with Blair Contracting for replacing the roof on the Trinity Building at Swarthmore Rutledge School in the amount of $148,900.00
- Independent contract agreement with Jesse Gennett to provide communication support services
- Engagement letter agreement with McCandless King Coulter & Graham, LLP & Frantz Law Group, ALPC for the commencement of legal action against Altria Group, Inc., and other Defendants on a contingency fee basis for the purpose of claiming monetary damages related to District costs related to the use of vaping products on District property
- Community member Lisa Jacobs shared with the board petition signed by community members regarding communication and transparency.
- Board President Mrs. Wachtman shared her thoughts on the petition and community feedback.
- The meeting ended at 9:42 PM
NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS: Monday, February 27, 2023, Strath Haven Middle School – Library