Class News
  • Class News:
    Guest Reader:
    We are looking forward to having parent volunteers come into our classroom weekly this year to be our guest reader! You may pick the book you would like to bring in, or I am happy to make suggestions. Please be sure the book is appropriate for first graders. Here is the link for the Sign-Up Genius.
    A weekly homework packet will come home on Monday and be due back to school on Friday. Please remove the packet from the green folder when you receive it. You will receive a packet that has a homework checklist on top, and everything you need to complete the homework attached. First grade homework will consist of: 1. Fundations practice and dictation 2. Math practice sheet 3. Reading (decodable folder or books from home). Each day, your child should complete one page of math and one “day” on the Fundations page. It is important to space the homework out throughout the week rather than rushing to complete all in one day. We understand that family schedules are unique and busy, so if you need to double up at times, we certainly understand.
    Please remember to pack a snack for your child each day.
    Book Pouches

    Beginning next week, a pouch of books will be coming home with your child.  You can use these books for the reading portion of the homework checklist.  Book pouches will come home MONDAYS and need to be returned on FRIDAYS like our regular homework (this week they will come home on Tuesday since we will not be in school on Monday).   In the folder you will find a few different things:

    Fluency sheet

    This sheet will have sounds, words, nonsense words, trick words, and phrases that go along with what we are practicing in the classroom.  The goal is to have your child practice so they can read the words smoothly.   We recognize that some children can do this readily while others are still working on tapping out the sounds and blending.  Our goal is for all of the students to practice daily, working on accuracy, fluency, and using expression (especially when reading the phrases).  

    Decodable Readers

    These readers will vary by student and may look different week by week.  They may be in the form of a folded paper book, paper booklet, or a regular small reader.  We are working to individualize these books to match our learners so book bags will vary. PAPER READERS CAN STAY HOME FOR YOU TO KEEP, mark up, color, etc.  Any book that is a published book, should be returned in the book bag on Friday.

    Paperback Book

    The paperback book included in your child’s bag is self-selected and may not match their reading level.  Please use those books as an opportunity to share reading with your child by either reading aloud the book or sharing the reading duty with your child.  These books should be returned on Friday.