• For the Week of 10/21/24

      For Your Information - 
      * Firehouse Field Trip - Taking place on Wednesday.
      * NPE Halloween Parade and Class Party - The NPE Halloween parade will be Oct. 31st on the back field at approx. 9:15am.  Please see Mr. Heinle's e-blast messages for details.
      Our class's Halloween Party will be immediately following the parade, from approx. 9:45am - 10:45am. PLEASE make sure your child's costume is school appropriate and that s/he can easily get into and out of their costumes - which will need to be removed before lunch that day. 
      * Clearances - Please be sure to have your clearances up to date within the District. This will allow adults to be able to come in as a Mystery Reader. Mystery Reader sign ups will begin in October and link will be shared then.  See the WSSD info for clearance/volunteer requirements, if you need to update your clearances. Volunteer/Clearances
      * Mystery Readers - the link is now LIVE! See Mystery Reader link on my web page Sign Up Link for details and signing up. Remember, you MUST have your clearances into WSSD before you can come in to read OR be a part of any party!
      Academic & SEL focus  
      ~ Social Emotional Learning (SEL) -
       - Continued focus on HONESTY - during the Morning Meeting. 
       Math - Reveal Math (Unit 4) focusing on understanding and solving Add To and Subtract From problems (balancing equations) and using bar designs/bar models to represent equations.
      ~ Language Arts - Phonics (continuing trick words and long o (oe/ow/oa); Grammar (introducing adverbs); & Comprehension (summarizing, using the book, Stellaluna).
      ~ WritingSentence elements continued - adding more details to sentences - incorporating adjectives and adverbs and building paragraphs.
      Social Studies - n/a this week
      ~ Science - Bat research continues.
      This week's Specials: Sequence is ART, MUSIC, LIBRARY/GUIDANCE, & GYM
               THIS WEEK - music (M), library (T), gym (W), art (Th); music (F)