• Dear Parent/Guardian:


    School law requires that a screening for scoliosis be performed on all children in grades 6 and 7.  We will conduct a spinal screening program throughout the school year starting in mid-September. The purpose of the screening program is to detect possible curvature of the spine in children.  If the condition is detected early and appropriately treated, progressive spinal deformity maybe prevented.


    The screening test is very simple and can be performed in less than one minute. A trained screener will check your child’s back by observing it while your child is standing and bending forward. You will be contacted if there is any reason to have your child examined by your pediatrician, family physician, or orthopedist.


    To assure a view of the spine, we will request that students expose their backs during screening.  Girls and boys will be screened separately.  It is recommended that boys wear a shirt that can be easily removed. Girls should wear a bra, sports bra, or camisole under a blouse or sweater.  Your child’s teacher will notify the class before their screening day so they can be prepared. 


    Your cooperation is essential to help us make the program run smoothly.  If you have any questions regarding the spinal screening program, please contact the school nurse.  If you object to having your child participate, please notify the school nurse in writing before the screenings begin.