- Strath Haven High School
- Keystone Exams
Are students required to take the Keystones?
Yes. All students are required to take the Keystone tests at the end of designated courses prior to graduation. Students are allowed to retake Keystone tests until the end of their junior year.
When do students take the Keystone exam(s)?
Students take the Keystone for each respective subject area after completion of the following courses: Advanced Algebra I, Biology, and English 10.
Can I retake the Keystone for a better score?
Once you've earned a proficient score, you may not retake the Keystone for a better score. However, students earning basic or below basic may retake the Keystone to earn a proficient score. Keystone tests are offered once per semester at Strath Haven High School.
How do I know my Keystone score(s)?
Keystone scores for spring testing are released mid-to-late summer, and scores for winter testing are released mid-spring. When scores are released, PDE will share individual score reports with the school to be mailed home to families. If you have a question about your Keystone score(s) or graduation pathway, please contact your school counselor.
Are Keystone scores listed on students' diploma/transcript?
At present, neither Keystone scores nor proficiency level are listed on an SHHS diploma.
What are the alternative pathways?
Recently, in October of 2018, our Governor signed Senate Bill 1095 into law. Senate Bill 1095 amends the Public School Code by establishing alternative pathways for high school graduation and making other changes. Testing is still a requirement for Districts and Schools in Pennsylvania and students are still required to take these exams. What has changed is that students do not have to acquire “proficiency” or higher on the exams in order to graduate.
My student has an IEP. How does this affect them for Keystone testing?
Testing accommodations are provided to students according to their IEP and the decisions of their IEP team. Common accommodations include: small group testing and word processing. Keystone exams are untimed.