• Mathematics Department Course Placement Criteria and Procedures

  • In response to the standards-based initiative in the state of Pennsylvania, mathematics course content has increased in challenge and rigor. This shift prepares students for the 21st century learning necessary to maintain competitiveness in the global market. As such, the criteria for placement into higher level mathematics courses reflect the rigor of the Pennsylvania Common Core State Standards, providing appropriate learning environments for each student.

    In all cases where summer placement testing is required, the Math Department Chairperson will:

    • provide a textbook and online access
    • provide the independent study packet
    • provide an answer key
    • administer and grade the placement test
    • communicate placement for the upcoming school year with parents

Grade 6 to Grade 7

  • To be placed from Math 6 into Enriched Math 7, students who are taking Black-Diamond level assessments and completing Enrichment Packets must meet all of the following requirements:

  • To be placed from Math 6 into Enriched Math 7, students who are not taking Black-Diamond level assessments must meet all of the following requirements:

  • All students moving from Enriched Math 6 to Enriched Math 7 must meet all of the following criteria:

  • All students moving from Enriched Math 6 into Accelerated Math 7/8 must meet all of the following criteria: